2011年獲中國礦業大學工學學士學位;2016年11月獲澳大利亞新南威爾士大學工學博士學位;2017年7月在bevictor伟德官网任職講師;2020年7月晉升副教授。目前擔任《中國礦業大學學報》中青年編委成員、《采礦技術》青年編委成員,International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences、Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology、Geotechnique、Construction and Building Materials、Geotechnical Testing Journal、Geotechnical and Geological Engineering等10餘個國際著名SCI和EI期刊審稿人。曾獲澳大利亞新南威爾士大學Writing Fellowship 1項、河北省科學技術進步一等獎1項、中國煤炭工業協會科學技術二等獎1項、中國煤炭工業協會科學技術三等獎1項。
主要從事礦山壓力與岩層控制、岩石力學、巷道支護、錨杆(索)支護力學傳遞機理、水泥和樹脂錨固劑剪切性能等方面的研究。作為負責人,主持國家自然科學基金面上項目1項、青年項目1項、重點項目(子課題)1項、校級開放基金8項。以第一作者的身份在Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology、Construction and Building Technology、Geotechnical Testing Journal和International Journal of Mining Science and Technology等國内外著名期刊發表學術論文25篇,其中SCI收錄20篇(其中ESI高被引用論文2篇),EI收錄4篇;以第一作者的身份出版英文學術專著1部;以第一作者的身份授權軟件著作權3項;以第一發明人的身份獲批專利8項。先後在歐洲岩石力學會議(EuRock)、亞洲岩石力學會議(Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium)、澳洲岩石力學會議(AusRock)和國際采礦岩層控制會議(International Conference on Ground Control in Mining)上做學術報告。
Short Biosketch of Dr. Jianhang CHEN
Bored in March 1989, Shandong Province, P. R. China, Jianhang CHEN graduated with a bachelor degree from the China University of Mining and Technology in 2011. In 2012, Jianhang CHEN went abroad and started his PhD at the University of New South Wales, Australia. In November2016, Jianhang CHEN graduated with a PhD degree in Mining Engineering from the University of New South Wales. In July 2017, Jianhang Chen worked at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) as a Lecturer. InJuly 2020, Jianhang CHEN started working as an Associate Professor.
[1]Chen, Jianhang; He, Fulian and Zhang, Shoubao. A study of the load transfer behavior of fully grouted rock bolts with analytical modelling,International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 2020. 30 (1): 105-109.
[2]Chen, Jianhang; Hagan, Paul and Saydam, Serkan. Sample diameter effect on bonding capacity of fully grouted cable bolts,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2017. 68: 238-243.
[3]Chen, Jianhang; Li, Danqi. Numerical simulation of fully encapsulated rock bolts with a tri-linear constitutive relation.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 2022. 120: 1-13.
[4]Chen, Jianhang; Saydam, Serkan and Hagan, Paul. An analytical model of the load transfer behavior of fully grouted cable bolts,Construction and Building Materials. 2015. 101: 1006-1015.
[5]Chen, Jianhang; Hagan, Paul and Saydam, Serkan. Shear behaviour of a cement grout tested in the direct shear test,Construction and Building Materials. 2018. 166: 271-279.
[6]Chen, Jianhangand Xu, Chunhu. A study of the shear behavior of a Portland cement grout with the triaxial test,Construction and Building Materials. 2018. 176: 81-88.
[7]Chen, Jianhang; Saydam, Serkan and Hagan, Paul. Numerical simulation of the pull-out behaviour of fully grouted cable bolts,Construction and Building Materials. 2018. 191: 1148-1158.
[8]Chen, Jianhang; Paul C Hagan; Serkan Saydam. An experimental study of the specimen geometry effect on the axial performance of cement-based grouts.Construction and Building Materials. 2021. 310 (NA):1-11.
[9]Chen, Jianhang; Liu, Peng; Zhao, Hongbao; Zhang, Cun and Zhang, Junwen. Analytical studying the axial performance of fully encapsulated rock bolts.Engineering Failure Analysis. 2021. 128 (NA): 1-16.
SCI收錄,JCR二區,IF: 3.114
[10]Chen, Jianhang; Zhao, Yiqiang; Zhao Hongbao; Zhang Junwen; Zhang Cun; Li Danqi. Analytic study on the force transfer of full encapsulating rockbolts subjected to tensile force.International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2021. 13 (9): 1-23.
SCI收錄,JCR二區,IF: 3.224
[11]Chen, Jianhang; Hagan, Paul and Saydam, Serkan. Load transfer behavior of fully grouted cable bolts reinforced in weak rocks under tensile loading conditions,Geotechnical Testing Journal. 2016. 39 (2): 252-263.
[12]Chen, Jianhang; Hagan, Paul and Saydam, Serkan. A new laboratory short encapsulation pull test for investigating load transfer behavior of fully grouted cable bolts,Geotechnical Testing Journal. 2018. 41 (3): 435-447.
[13]Chen, Jianhang; Zhang, Fan; Zhao, Hongbao and Zhang, Junwen, 2021. Numerical simulation of the shear behaviour of cement grout.Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2021. 2021 (NA): 1-14.
SCI收錄,JCR四區,IF: 1.726
[14]Chen, Jianhang; Yang, Shengli; Zhao, Hongbao; Zhang, Junwen; He, Fulian and Yin, Shuaifeng. The analytical approach to evaluate the load-displacement relationship of rock bolts,Advances in Civil Engineering. 2019: 1-15.
[15]Chen, Jianhang; Dai, Xin; Zhang, Junwen. Analytical study of the confining medium diameter impact on load-carrying capacity of rock bolts.Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2021. 2021 (NA): 1-8.
[16]Chen, Jianhang; Hagan, Paul and Saydam, Serkan. Parametric study on the axial performance of a fully grouted cable bolt with a new pull-out test,International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 2016. 26 (1): 53-58.
[17]Chen, Jianhang; Zhao, Hongbao; He, Fulian; Zhang, Junwen and Tao, Kangming. Studying the performance of fully encapsulated rock bolts with modified structural elements,International Journal of Coal Science and Technology. 2021. 8 (1): 1-13.
Contact: Jianhang CHEN, Associate Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing)
Ding 11 Xueyuan Road, Beijing 100083, P. R. China
Email: jianhang314@163.com