Short Biosketch ofAssociate ProfessorShuhengZhong
Bored in 1978,Jiangsu, China,S.H. Zhongreceived his BA, MA and PhD atYangzhouUniversity, and China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) in 2000, 2003 and 2011.She served as anAssociate Professor at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) since 2013, and also as a visiting at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (America).
Mainly research and teachingofZhongis in resources development and planning, mining system engineering, industrial engineering and other aspects.Zhongreceived scientific and educational awards including the Science and Technology Award by China Coal Industry Science and Technology.Zhonghas authored 2 books and over 20 refereed journal papers, including selected 10 papers like
(1)ZhongSH. Environmental costs of coal development (in Chinese), Press of Chinese Geology, 2011 (Sole Author)
(2)ZhongSH. Introduction to Energy Engineering (in Chinese), 2013(Member of Writing Group)
(3)ZhongSH, Wang X. Study on Environment Cost (EC) Variation of Coal Enterprise.Disaster Advances, 2012.9
(4)ZhongSH, JiangXD.MiningmodeSelectionofCoalandGasSimultaneousMiningBased on FAHP.Coal Engineering.2015, 47(10):87-89.
(5)ZhongSH,Zhang J.Analysis on ultimate bearing capacity of weak foundation in open pit mine.Coal Engineering.2017, 49(12).
(6)ZhongSH. The Improved of Earned Value Analysis Method for Project Management.Coal Engineering.2011, 1(10):136-137.
(7)ZhongSH. Improvement and Application of Earned Value Analysis in Coal Project Management.First International Symposium on Mine Safety Science and Engineering.Inc. 2011.10
(8)ZhongSH. Thought on Sustainable Development Policy in Coal Industry of Shanxi. 2009International Conference of Management Science and Information System. Inc.2009.09
(9)ZhongSH. Study on the Curriculum Reformation of Computer Cartography mapping.International Conference on Education, Science and Technology Management.Inc. 2009.09
(10)ZhongSH,Spatial Data Integration in MineGIS.Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science).2004, 25(s1):115-117.
Contact:Dr.ShuhengZHONG, Associate Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China