Renlun WU is an associate professor working at the China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing. He is born in 1982,Datong, Shanxi Province, China,R.L. Wureceived his B.E.andPh.D at China University of Mining and Technology in 2006 and 2011. He served as a Associate Professor at China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing since 2018, the Intellectual Property Professionals of Chinese Coal Industry since 2017,and alsoservesasmember of China Coal Society, member oftheAssociationofEngineerandTechnicianofHuozhouCoalElectricityGroupCo.,Ltd.. He tooka temporary post atHuozhouCoalElectricityGroupCo.,Ltd. for 1 year.
Wuhaslong term experience with simultaneous extraction of coal and gas, mining pressure and strata control, green mining.Wuhaspresidedand participated in more than 20 scientific research projects, including National Key R&D Program of China, Key Program of theNational Natural Science Foundation of China, GeneralProgram of theNational Natural Science Foundation of China, Joint Funds of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Open Projects of the State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining, and research projects consigned by enterprises. He has alsopresided and participated in more than 10 teaching research projects.Wuhasreceived scientific and educational awards including 6Science and Technology Awards of China National Coal Association, 12 Education and Teaching Achievement Awards of China Coal Industry, Education and Teaching Achievement Award, Excellent course and Teaching Quality Awards ofChina University of Mining and Technology-Beijing.Wuhasobtained 3 national invention patents, 4 practical patents and 2 software copyrights.Wuhas authored2textbooks,over 20 refereed journal papers and over 10 teaching papers, including selected 10 papers like
(1)WU Renlun, WANG Jilin, SHE Zhilong, CHENG Hui. Effects of mining height on range of “Three Zones” of gas pressure relief and migration in overlying strata.Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering, 2017, 34(6): 1223-1231. (DOI:10.13545/j.cnki.jmse.2017.06.028)
(2)WU Renlun, WANG Yafei, XU Dongliang, SHE Zhilong, MENG Lang. Effects of working face width on the scope of the “three zones” of gas pressure relief and migration in coal seam group mining.Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering, 2017, 34(1):192-198. (DOI:10.13545/j.cnki.jmse.2017.01.029)
(3)WU Renlun. Effects of Key Stratum on the Scope of the “Three Zones” of Gas Pressure Relief and Migration in Coal Seam Group Mining.Journal of China Coal Society, 2013, 38(06): 924-929. (DOI:10.13225/j.cnki.jccs.2013.06.027)
(4)WU Renlun, XU Jialin, HU Guozhong, LI Yingchun. The technique of coal and gas simultaneous extraction in coal seam group with low permeability and its case studies.Journal of Mines, Metals & Fuels, 2011, 59(10): 349-354.
(5)WU Renlun, XU Jialin, QIN Wei. Numerical Simulation Study on gas control of fully mechanized top coal caving face with roof pre-splitting at initial mining period.Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering, 2011, 28(2): 319-322.
(6)WU Renlun, XU Jialin, KONG Xiang, SHI Chengtao, LUO Baolin, HU Yamin, LI Yuekui. Gas pressure relief rule of overlying coal seam caused by mining long fully mechanized top coal caving face.Journal of Mining and Safety Engineering, 2010, 27(1): 8-12, 18.
(7)WU Renlun, XU Jialin, KONG Xiang, HUANG Junwan, LV Weiyun. Experimental Study on Gas Explosion Detonated by the Pull Out (Broken) Sparks of Anchor Rope Under Dynamic Loading.Journal of Chongqin University, 2010, 33(11): 108-112, 118.
(8)WU Renlun, WANG Jilin, CHENG Hui, SHE Zhilong, WANG Yafei, ZHANG Fanbo, WANG Dongze. Experiment on Advanced Mining-included Pressure Relief Gas Extraction of Current Seam in Wuyang Coal Mine.Safety in Coal Mines. 2017, 48(2): 13-16. (DOI:10.13347/j.cnki.mkaq.2017.02.004)
(9)WU Renlun, XU Jialin, QIN Wei, WANG Zhongwei, ZHANG Haiping, TIAN Linxiang. Experiment of Advance Pressure Relief Gas Extraction in Xindadi Coal Mine.China Coal, 2010, 36(4): 83-85, 117.
(10) Qu Qingdong, Xu Jialin,Wu Renlun, Qin, Wei, Hu Guozhong. Three-zone characterisation of coupled strata and gas behaviour in multi-seam mining.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2015, 78: 91-98. (DOI:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2015.04.018)
Contact:Renlun WU,AssociateProfessor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
Ding No.11 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083 P. R.China