Professor Hongwei Zhou bored in 1965, Chongqing, China, Zhou received his BA, MA and PhD at Chongqing University, Xi’an Mining Institute and China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) in 1985, 1991 and 1998. He served as a Professor at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing) since 2004, the Chang Jiang Scholars, Ministry of Education of China since 2012, and also as a visiting at Technical University of Silesia (Poland), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), Technical University of Clausthal (Germany), Technical University of Freiberg (Germany), University of Joseph Fourier (French), Technical University of Denmark, Utrecht University (Netherlands).Zhou also serves as member of Directing Committee of Mechanics Fundamental Courses of Higher Education of Ministry of Education, member of the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, standing member of Beijing Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, associated editor-in-chief of Mechanics in Engineering, member of editorial board of Acta Geotechnica, Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, International Journal of Coal Science and Technology and guest editor of Environmental Earth Sciences, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.Zhou has long term experience with rock mechanics in energy development and mining engineering, including fluid and gas flow in porous and fracture media, creep of geo-materials and mechanics of composites.Zhoureceived scientific and educational awards including the Second Class Prize of the National Natural Science Award, Natural Science Award by Ministry of Education of China, Beijing Teaching Achievement Award.Zhouhas authored 3 books and over 200 refereed journal papers, including
[1]Zhou H.W., Rong T.L., Wang L.J., Mou R.Y., Ren W.G.A new anisotropic coalpermeabilitymodel under the influence of stress, gas sorption and temperature: development and verification.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2020, 132, 104407 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104407)
[2]Zhou H.W., Zhang L., Wang X.Y., Rong T.L., Wang L.J. Effects of matrix-fracture interaction and creep deformation on permeability evolution of deep coal.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2020, 127, 104236 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2020.104236)
[3]Zhou H.W., Wang X.Y., Zhang L., Zhong J.C., Wang Z.H., Rong TL. Permeability evolution of deep coal samples subjected to energy-based damage variable.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2020, 73, 103070 (doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2019.103070)
[4]Zhou H.W., Wang Z.H., Ren W.G., Liu Z.L., Liu J.F. Acoustic emission based mechanical behaviors of Beishan granite under conventional triaxial compression and hydro-mechanical coupling tests.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2019, 123, 104125 (doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2019.104125)
[5]Zhou H.W., Wang L.J., Rong T.L., Zhang L., Ren W.G., Su T. Creep-based permeability evolution in deep coal under unloading confining pressure.Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2019, 65, 185-196 (doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2019.03.010)
[6]Zhou H.W., Yang S., Zhang S.Q. Modeling of non-Darcian flow and solute transport in porous media with Caputo-Fabrizio derivative.Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2019,68, 603-615 (doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2018.09.042)
[7]Zhou H.W., Wang Z.H., Wang C.S., Liu J.F. On acoustic emission and post-peak energy evolution in Beishan granite under cyclic loading.Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2019, 52(1), 283-288 (doi: 10.1007/s00603-018-1614-y)
[8]Zhou H.W., Yang S. Fractional derivative approach to non-Darcian flow in porous media.Journal of Hydrology. 2018, 566: 910-918 (doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.09.039)
[9]Zhou H.W., Zhong J.C., Ren W.G., Wang X.Y., Yi H.Y. Characterization of pore-fracture networks and their evolution at various measurement scales in coal samples using X-rayμCT and a fractal method.International Journal of Coal Geology. 2018,189: 35-49 (doi:10.1016/j.coal.2018.02.007)
[10]Zhou H.W., Yang S, Zhang S.Q. Conformable derivative approach to anomalous diffusion.Physica A. 2018, 491: 1001-1013 (doi:10.1016/j.physa.2017.09.101)
[11]Zhou H.W., Yi H.Y., Mishnaevsky Jr. L, Wang R, Duan ZQ, Chen Q. Deformation analysis of polymers composites: rheological model involving time-based fractional derivative.Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. 2017, 21, 151-161 (doi: 10.1007/s11043-016-9323-y)
[12]Zhou H.W., Mishnaevsky Jr. L, Yi H.Y., Liu Y.Q., Hu X., Warrier A, Dai G.M. Carbon fiber/carbon nanotube reinforced hierarchical composites: effect of CNT distribution on shearing strength.Composites Part B. 2016, 88, 201-211 (doi: 10.1016/j.compositesb.2015.10.035)
[13]Zhou H.W., Xue D.J., Jiang D.Y. On fractal dimension of a fracture surface by volume covering method.Surface Review and Letters. 2014, 21(1), 1450015 (doi: 10.1142/S0218625X14500152)
[14]Zhou H.W., Wang C.P., Mishnaevsky Jr. L., Duan Z.Q., Ding J.Y. A fractional derivative approach to full creep regions in salt rock.Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials. 2013, 17(3), 413-425
[15]Zhou H.W., Yi H.Y., Gui L.L., Dai G.M., Peng R.D., Wang H.W., Mishnaevsky Jr. L. Compressive damage mechanism of GFRP composites under off-axis loading: Experimental and numerical investigations.Composites Part B. 2013, 55: 119-127
[16]Zhou H.W., Wang C.P., Han B.B., Duan Z.Q. A creep constitutive model for salt rock based on fractional derivatives.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2011, 48(1), 116-121 (doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.11.004)
[17]Zhou H.W., Mishnaevsky Jr. L, Brondsted Pet al. SEM in-situ laboratory investigations on damage growth in GFRP composite under three-point bending tests.Chinese Science Bulletin. 2010, 55(12), 1199-1208
[18]Zhou H.W., Zhang Y.H., Li A.M., Qiu D.Y. Experimental study on moving boundaries of fluid flow in porous media.Chinese Science Bulletin. 2008, 53(16), 2438-2445
[19]Zhou H.W., Xie H. Anisotropic characterization of rock fracture surfaces subjected to profile analysis.Physics Letters A. 2004, 325(5-6): 355-362 (doi: 10.1016/j.physleta.2004.04.006)
[20]Zhou H.W., Yue Z.Q., Tham L.G., Xie H. The shape of moving boundary of fluid flow in sandstone: video microscopic investigation and stochastic modeling approach.Transport in Porous Media. 2003, 50(3), 343-370 (doi: 10.1023/A:1021183100914)
[21]Zhou H.W., Xie H. Direct estimation of the fractal dimensions of a fracture surface of rock.Surface Review and Letters.2003, 10(5), 751-762 (doi: 10.1142/S0218625X03005591)
[22]Zhou H.W., Xie H, Kwasniewski M.A. Developments in characterization of surface topography of rock joint.Progress in Natural Science.2001, 11(7): 481-489
Contact: Dr. Hongwei ZHOU, Professor, Dean, Chang Jiang Scholars
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China
Tel: +86-10-62339061
Email:zhw@cumtb.edu.cn, hongwei_zhou6501@sina.com
Scopus Author ID: 7404741923