Yi Wang, born in Feb. 1988, received his MA and PhD at the Pennsylvania State University in 2012 and 2017. He now serves as a Lecturer at China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), starting from 2018. He is also the Secretary General of ISRM Commission on Sorptive Rocks, and a member of AAPG and SPE.
Wang has led projects from National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation, State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining, and other enterprises, while participated in several projects including “Deep-Sea and Arctic Key Technology and Equipment” Special Project of National Key Research and Development Program of China, National Science Foundation Project (in the US),and the Major International (Regional) Joint Research Program of China. Wang also acts as a reviewer for top journals, such as International Journal of Coal Geology, Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, etc. His research interests mainly include unconventional reservoir structure and microscopic flow mechanics,CCUS andmulti-field coupling in resources co-recovery.
Dr. Yi Wang, Lecturer
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China
Tel: +8613321167865
Email: yiwang.evan@cumtb.edu.cn
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6213-1685