Jing-Li FAN is a Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor attheSchool of Energy and Mining Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing (CUMTB),andserves as thedirector of the Research Centre for Sustainable Development and Energy Policy. Sheearned her bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from Yanshan University in 2009, andreceived herPh.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2014. She has participated in exchange programs at Kyoto University in Japan and Mälardalen University in Sweden. Her research primarily focuses on energy and climate economics, complex system modellingforenergy and environment,theinvestment decision-making and evaluation of CCUS and other carbon emission reduction technologies.
To date, ProfessorFanhas published over 100 academic papers in high-level academic journals and conferences, including over 60 papers in SCI/SSCI journals such asNature Climate Change, Nature Communications, Energy & Environmental Science, Energy Economics, Ecological Economics, Global Environmental Change, Environmental Research Letters, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, Energy, and Energy Policy. Several papersare highly cited according to the Essential Science Indicators (ESI). Additionally, she has authoredfour monographs, translatedone book, and contributed toother5 monographs. She serves as an associate editor for the Journal of Cleaner Production, the chief editor of the "2060 Carbon Neutrality" column in Clean Coal Technology, and as a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Mining Science and Technology and Coal Economics Research. Additionally, she is involved in various professional committees and editorial boards related to energy and climate change.
Currently, Professor Fan leads several significant research projects such as three projects from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), a Youth Project (with an "Excellent" completion assessment), a thematic project of the National Key Research and Development Program, a China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) Young Talents Support Project, a project funded by the Guangdong Hong Kong Foundation, a project funded by the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN), a task entrusted by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, a project funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),aproject funded by the Energy Foundation (USA), andajoint research under the International Energy Agency (IEA). She has received six provincial or ministerial-level scientific and technological awards, including a second prize in the China Coal Industry Science and Technology Award, the 2020 Special Prize in Coal Industry Education Achievement Awards, and several teaching awards such as the Outstanding Teaching Quality Awards ofCUMTB.
10 representative papers recently published are as follows:
[1].Jing-Li Fan, Wenlong Zhou, Zixia Ding, Xian Zhang*. The substantial impacts of carbon capture and storage technology policies on climate change mitigation pathways in China. Global Environmental Change. 2024;86:102847.
[2].Jing-Li Fan#, Jingying Fu# , Xian Zhang#* , Kai Li , Wenlong Zhou , Klaus Hubacek , Johannes Urpelainen, Shuo Shen, Shiyan Chang* , Siyue Guo & Xi Lu*, 2023, Co-firing plants with retrofitted carbon capture and storage for power-sector emissions mitigation, Nature Climate Change, 13, 807-815. 3000
[3].Jing-Li Fan, Zezheng Li, Xi Huang, Kai Li, Xian Zhang*, Xi Lu, Jianzhong Wu, Klaus Hubaceck, Bo Shen, 2023, A net-zero emissions strategy for China’s power sector using carbon capture utilization and storage, Nature Communications, 14: 5972.6000
[4]. Jing-Li Fan, Zezheng Li, Zixia Ding, Kai Li, Xian Zhang*, 2023, Investment decisions on carbon capture utilization and storage retrofit of Chinese coal-fired power plants based on real option and source-sink matching models, Energy Economics, 126, 106972.
[5]. Jing-Li Fan, Xi Huang, Jie Shi, Kai Li, Jingwen Cai, Xian Zhang*, 2023, Complementary potential of wind-solar-hydro power in Chinese provinces: Based on a high temporal resolution multi-objective optimization model, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews.
[6]. Jing-Li Fan, Zezheng Li, Kai Li, Xian Zhang*, 2022, Modelling plant-level abatement costs and effects of incentive policies for coal-fired power generation retrofitted with CCUS, Energy Policy, 165: 112959.
[7]. Jing-Li Fan, Xiaowei Feng, Yangyang Dong, Xian Zhang, 2022, A Global Comparison of Carbon-Water-Food Nexus based on Dietary Consumption, Global Environmental Change, 73:102489.
[8]. Jing-Li Fan, Kai Li, Xian Zhang*, Jiawei Hu, Klaus Hubacek, Yabin Da, Xi Liang, Danyang Cheng. 2022. Measuring sustainability: Development and application of the Inclusive Wealth Index in China, Ecological Economics, 195: 107357.
[9]. Jing-Li Fan, Peng-Wei Yu, Kai Li, Mao Xu, Xian Zhang*. 2022. A levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH) comparison of coal-to-hydrogen with CCS and water electrolysis powered by renewable energy in China. Energy. 242, 123003.
[10].Hao Zhang#, Yabin Da#, Xian Zhang,Jing-Li Fan*, 2021. The impacts of climate change on coal-fired power plants: Evidence from China, Energy & Environmental Science. 14, 4890.
Contact: Dr. Jingli FAN, Professor
School of Energy and Mining Engineering
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing
Xueyuan Road D11, Beijing 100083, PR China
Tel.: 86-10-62331447
E-mail: fjlldq@163.com; fan@cumtb.edu.cn